Thursday, November 25, 2010

As we gather today with family and friends, I thought we should stop to remember God who we should give thanks and praise to everyday. I think in our rush to juggle our lives we forget that God is with us all the time. Romans 8:28 reminds that as long as we love him it will work for good. In the difficult times in our lives it is hard to see that. God is always with us! We have blessings all around us...we just need to remember to look.

Here are a few of my wonderful blessings:
  • God
  • my family
  • my church family
  • I live in a beautiful area
  • food
  • shelter
  • clothing
  • can walk (after knee surgery woohoo!!)
  • shoes, shoes, shoes : )
  • chocolate
  • many more!!

Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Take One for the Team

It's the Sunday before Thanksgiving. If you having been following this blog, you know this day drives fear into the hearts of my family. Two years ago, I broke knee cap on this Sunday. Last year, my Granny broke her hip. I thought everything was copacetic. My whole family had made it to church without any mishaps. I still am not tempting the Lord my God. However, when arrived we learned that our minister Martin had been in the ER with his back. He did get to go home right before church started. Thank the Good Lord above!
We hope everyone will pray for Martin and his family just as they did for my family during our time of need.
My mom told Brenda (Martin's wife) to thank Martin for taking one for the team this year, my family needed a year of rest.
Take care, Martin.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Last night (11-18-10), my mom and I went to see Christian comedian, Mark Lowry. It was an awesome show. We have seen him perform before... his humorous twist on life always puts things in perspective.
My favorite story from last night was his description of a conversation he had with his mom. He said his mom was a fan of the view of God of the Old Testament and he liked the view of the New Testament better. He and his mom were both quoting scripture to each other when Mark finally delivered a great comeback."God changed between the Old and New testaments. God had a son and a kid changes everything." I loved that! God sent his son as a baby and it changed everything. I have always been told when you have a child everything changes. Your life becomes centered on that child. When we become a Christian, we become Christ-centered. He said that in such a great way. It will always bring a smile to my face everytime I hear "a kid changes everything."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


For those of you who don't know, we celebrate each child's birthday in Children's Church. I have always loved birthdays. We celebrate our birth and another year we have been given. We are to give glory to God and bring others to the Lord. I think we should commemorate each and every year that he has given us. In the song, "Jesus Loves the Little Children" it says they are precious in his sight...Jesus loves the children of the world. Are we not all children of the Lord?
The pictures below are from Sunday 11-14-10, Taylor, Kylie, and Kayde were given a party. Taylor & Kayde share a birthay 11-15 while Kylie's is 11-16 and they are all cousins.
Taylor(15), Kylie(10), & Kayde(4)

We all made Thanksgiving crafts to remind us of the blessings we have.

Tyler & Kylie Hall
The McNeil's