The snow has finally melted so no more captivity!
The one thing about staying inside so much is that your brain wonders from subject to subject. You can only read and watch so much TV. I began to remember a conversation I had at the Mark Lowry show. I mentioned that as a child, Mom read a story and sang to me every night to me before I went to bed. She sometimes would read me a Bible story and song. On other nights, she would read Mother Goose et al. I commented that now I can remember just about all the songs in our hymnal. A man standing by remarked that he had never thought of doing that with his child. I was reminded of Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way it should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. We teach children manners and how to act in restaurants from the earliest ages. Why do we not think to teach children scripture and hymns at that same time. I have been very lucky that my entire family attended church. If you want to teach kids the correct path to take teach them earlier!

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