Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Communion Meditation for August 24th

Sin means "missing the mark." The "mark" or target that we are aiming for is the glory of God. His perfect will, which we all have missed. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
Sin is disobedience. It is doing things God has told us not to do and not doing things that he has told us to do.
Disbelief is also sin, perhaps the greatest sin, and ignorance is no excuse.
Sin is deceptive. It offers beauty, pleasure, and fulfillment, but produces ugliness, disappointment, and emptiness. Sin is guilty of false advertising, it thrives on lies. Yet there are many who think that temptation to sin is irresistible.
Sin is destructive. It is a cancer on society and on the human soul. It is habit-forming and has the power to enslave and control us.
Worst of all, sin separates man from God. It keeps him from being what he wants to be and what God has created him to be.
The good news is that this terrible enemy has been defeated. By God's grace, through Christ's death on the cross, we are set free from sin and its hold over us. It is that forgiveness and that freedom that we celebrate here at the Lord's table.

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