Monday, July 21, 2008

July 20th was Timothy Wingfield's last Sunday with our church. He finished his series on Jonah as well.
Jonah was a prophet but also a man with faults just like us. Even though we are not ministers, we are ALL resposible to tell the good news i.e. Romans 10:14-15; 2Timothy 4:2
Ch.3-Jonah OBEYED! After Jonah was spit on dry land, he went to Ninevah and delivered God's message as he was commanded.
5 Steps of Salvation
Live the Christian Life (fist) You can teach this to kids with fingers
Ninevah Changes
When they HEARD, they BELIEVED, they REPENTED (vs. 8 ea may turn from his wicked ways), CONFESSED (King's Declaration), Baptism isn't mentioned but God forgave them and didn't send his wrath (vs. 10)
Ch.4-Jonah got angry because God forgave Ninevah. This is ironic considering Jonah had just received God's forgiveness. Why? He knew God was slow to anger and he wasn't. (vs. 2)

View on Baptism- It is a symbol/representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. We do this in obedience to him. Jonah was eventually obedient to God. We all have flaws. God can use us. In closing, Tim had John play a CD of the song "When He Reached Out His Hand For Me".

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