I know it has been a long time since a p
ost has been added. I apologize. I don't
think we knew how to follow the story of Allene. Prayer seems fitting.
We teach children that prayer is simply talking to God. How do we as adults forget that? We try to add
flowery language. God wants our heart...simple and honest.
He is our father! Our earthly fathers should show us the attributes of our heavenly father. I've always said I have the best father in the world. My dad (Richard) loves me no matter what. He may not agree with me (which he tells me) but he loves me. He protects me. My dad would put me in a bubble just to keep me from pain. I believe our heavenly father is
like this. He wants the best for us. All we need to do is trust him.
To talk to our heavenly father we need to pray. Talk to Him just as we would our earthly father. He wants that close personal relationship with each of us. As my Granny says, "Your heart grows with each child." He must have a huge heart because He has A LOT of children.(lol)
remember as a
small child that I had a friend sleep over. She crawled into bed ready to sleep. I had a conniption. I had always been taught that before bed you have to say your prayers. To this day I still say a prayer before going to sleep. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
Let's try to teach children how important prayer is to our lives. Tell them, but most importantly...show them.
Thanks Mom & Dad