The twins, Arlene Hightower and Allene Gray, are doing much better. They have returned to sitting in their favorite pew, which I must say is a joy for us all. They are still sore but as with all injuries that will just take time.
Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
I thought I would introduce you to Amanda Stump. Amanda is a senior at Johnson Bible College. She has been helping with Children's Church. Mom and I extend our thanks and appreciatation.
We would like to wish Amanda Stump a very Happy Birthday. She is the middle child of the Stump's. Amanda we never want you to develop that middle child syndrome. Just kidding. Have a great day!
On Sunday February 8th we received a special blessing. Brett & Nikki Adams sang in our morning worship service. For our evening services they, along with their children, presented us with a night of inspirational music. They were fantastic! Brett's parents have recently moved to our county. Hopefully we will get to hear from them again. If you would like to know more about them check out their website.
On January 31st two of our beloved members,"the Twins", were injured in a car accident. Mrs. Arlene Hightower has 7 broken ribs and a punctured lung. Miss Allene Gray has three broken ribs. These two ladies are now resting comfortably at home. They said they just "needed a little rest". Our thoughts and prayers are with Arlene and Allene. We can't wait to see them back at church.